Roger Algase, Attorney at Law, 35+ years Immigration Law Practice and Experience, Harvard Law School Degree

Visa lawyer with resolve for human dignity and human rights

O-1, H-1B, EB-1, Labor Certification and other skilled, professional and family work visas and green cards - 35+ years experience - Harvard Law School Degree

Roger Algase, Attorney at Law, 241 Central Park West, Suite 19F, New York NY 10024 Tel: (212) 724-5643 email:

“You are a great attorney!” (Extraordinary ability O-1 client)

“I appreciated more than anything your being so kind and caring.” (Immigration consultation client) “You are the best!” (Immigration client)


America now has a president who based a large part of his campaign on demonizing and dehumanizing immigrants, and who promises to make life in the United States as difficult as possible for all non-US citizens and their families, including those who are here legally as well as “illegals”. He has already begun his latest term with an attack on birthright US citizenship which directly violates the US Constitution and more than a century of US judicial precedent.

His openly racist attacks and avowed program of immigrant concentration camps and mass deportation threaten to take our immigration system back to the days of the 19th and early 20th century white supremacist immigration laws.

During the coming four years, US immigrants from every part of the world will need the help of an immigration lawyer experienced with many kinds of visa applications, whether based on work skills, or on marriage or other family relationships. Now, more than ever before, a visa lawyer must have resolve for human dignity and human rights.

For more than 35 years Roger Algase has been obtaining work visas, labor certifications, green cards and US citizenship for skilled, professional. extraordinary ability and family immigrants. These include computer analysts, financial experts, fashion and graphic designers, and other skilled professionals, as well as artists and performers.

Roger's high visa success rate is based in large part on his exceptional writing skills in preparing clear, well-organized letters in plain English, without legal jargon, and which highlight the strong points in each case.

In these difficult financial times for many, Roger also does his best to make his fees affordable, including free initial phone consultations. If you have any questions or need assistance, please feel free to contact our office by phone, (212) 724-5643 or email:  We look forward to hearing from you.